25 Ways to Save Money on Cheerleading Expenses

What are some ways to save money on cheerleading expenses? It’s a question that resonates with many parents, cheerleaders, and coaches alike. Cheerleading, with its vibrant routines, high-flying stunts, and team spirit, is undeniably an exciting sport. However, the costs associated with it can sometimes be overwhelming. From uniforms to competition fees, travel expenses to coaching, the financial aspects of cheerleading can add up quickly. But fear not! With some smart strategies and a bit of planning, you can enjoy the world of cheer without breaking the bank.

Let’s dive into some effective ways to manage and reduce cheerleading expenses.

1. Opt for Second-hand Uniforms and Gear

One of the significant expenses in cheerleading is the uniform and related gear. Consider buying second-hand uniforms or gear from former team members or online platforms. These items are often in good condition and come at a fraction of the original price. You can often find used gear for sale on online marketplaces or through your team’s social media pages.

2. Group Purchases and Bulk Discounts

When buying items like shoes, pom poms, or other equipment, consider making a group purchase with other team members. Suppliers often offer discounts for bulk orders, which can lead to substantial savings. Some companies offer discounts to cheerleading teams or through group purchases.

3. Fundraising Activities

Organize and participate in fundraising events to offset some of the costs. Car washes, bake sales, sponsored runs, and community events can be effective ways to raise funds for the team.

4. Seek Sponsorships

Local businesses might be interested in sponsoring your cheerleading team in exchange for some publicity. This can help cover costs like uniforms, travel, or competition fees.

5. Utilize Public Facilities

Instead of renting specialized cheer gyms, consider practicing in public parks, school gyms, or community centers. While these might not have all the specialized equipment, they can serve as suitable practice grounds and are often free or much cheaper.

6. Carpool to Practices and Competitions

Transportation costs can add up, especially if practices and competitions are far away. Organize carpools with team members to save on fuel and transportation costs.

7. DIY Accessories

Instead of buying expensive accessories, consider making them yourself. Items like bows, ribbons, or even some costume elements can be made at home with a bit of creativity. Master the craft of creating professional-grade cheerleading bows with our comprehensive guide.

8. Opt for Local Competitions

While national or international competitions are exciting, they also come with high travel and accommodation costs. Participating in local competitions can provide the same competitive experience without the hefty price tag.

9. Plan and Budget

Having a clear budget for the cheerleading season can help in tracking expenses and making informed decisions. Prioritize essential costs and look for areas where savings are possible.

10. Scholarships and Financial Aid

Some organizations or institutions offer scholarships for talented cheerleaders. Explore these opportunities to offset some of the costs.

11. Off-season Training at Home

Instead of paying for off-season training sessions, consider practicing at home. There are numerous online resources, tutorials, and videos that can guide cheerleaders in their training.

12. Reuse and Recycle

Before buying new gear or uniforms, consider if last season’s items can be reused. With proper care, many items can last multiple seasons.

13. Off-peak Gym Memberships

Some cheerleading gyms might offer discounted rates during off-peak hours. If your team’s schedule is flexible, consider practicing during these times to avail of reduced rates.

14. Swap and Exchange Events

Organize swap meets with other teams or within your team. Cheerleaders can exchange items they no longer need for something they do, like shoes, accessories, or even uniforms.

15. Volunteer for Events

Some events or competitions might offer reduced entry fees or other perks for teams that volunteer. This could be in the form of helping set up, managing stalls, or assisting in event coordination.

16. Early Bird Registrations

Many competitions offer ‘early bird’ discounts for teams that register well in advance. Keep an eye out for these offers and register early to save on entry fees.

17. Utilize Student Discounts

If your cheerleading team is associated with a school or college, check if there are student discounts available for travel, accommodation, or even gear.

18. Collaborative Performances

Consider collaborating with other teams for performances or showcases. This can reduce individual team costs, as expenses like venue rental, sound systems, or lighting can be shared.

19. Seek Donations

Sometimes, local communities or alumni might be willing to donate to support the team. Consider setting up a donation drive, explaining the team’s goals and how the funds will be used.

20. Limit Specialized Equipment

While specialized equipment is excellent, not everything is essential. Discuss with your coach about what’s necessary and what can be substituted with more affordable alternatives.

21. Homemade Snacks for Events

Instead of buying snacks or meals during competitions or events, consider making and bringing homemade snacks. It’s healthier and more cost-effective.

22. Shared Accommodations

When traveling for competitions, consider shared accommodations like hostels or renting a house. It can be cheaper than booking individual hotel rooms.

23. Digital Fundraising

Platforms like GoFundMe or Kickstarter can be used to raise funds for significant events or purchases. Ensure to provide a clear breakdown of how funds will be used to encourage more donations.

24. Attend Free Workshops

Keep an eye out for free workshops or training sessions. Some organizations or experienced cheerleaders might offer complimentary sessions as a way to give back to the community.

25. Ditch the Designer Labels

While branded or designer gear might be tempting, often there are more affordable alternatives that offer similar quality without the hefty price tag.


Cheerleading is a sport filled with passion, dedication, and team spirit. While the associated costs can be daunting, with the right strategies, it’s possible to enjoy all that cheerleading offers without straining your finances. Remember, the heart of cheerleading lies in the spirit, teamwork, and passion – and these are priceless.