Learn the Top 10 Basic Cheerleading Chants to Pump Up Your Crowd

Cheerleading chants are an essential part of pumping up the crowd and boosting team spirit. From high school games to professional sporting events, simple yet energetic chants help create an electrifying atmosphere. This article will cover the top 10 basic cheerleading chants that teams can start using right away to engage their crowds.

We’ll define what a cheerleading chant is, explain the purpose they serve, and provide an overview of the basic chants we’ll be covering. Learning these fundamental cheerleading chants is a great way to get started with leading cheers that will excite your crowd.

Essential Components

Though they may seem simple, basic cheerleading chants have some key elements that make them effective.

  • Simple Words and Phrases: The words and phrases used in basic chants need to be easy to remember and repeat. Short lines that contain team names or “fight” type words work well. The chants should flow off the tongue and not be linguistically complex.
  • Repetition: Repeating words and phrases is key in basic cheers. Refrains like “Go Team Go!” and “Defense!” rely on crowd-friendly repetition to get the crowd chanting along. Simple repetitive chants will stick in people’s minds and get the crowd participating.
  • Rhyming Words: Rhymes make chants catchy, melodic, and easy to chant. Incorporating rhyming words and phrases like “All the way!” and “Can’t stop us now!” gives basic cheers a lively, upbeat feel. The rhyming words get people chanting together.
  • Upbeat Cadence: The rhythm and cadence of basic chants is designed to be energetic and motivating. Chants with 8 beats or 4 beats work well to produce a catchy, feel-good vibe. Clapping or stomping can help drive the cadence.

10 Top Basic Cheerleading Chants

Let’s look at 10 crowd-pumping chants that every cheerleading squad should have in their repertoire:

  1. Go Team! The classic chant is simple and effective. Repeating “Go Team!” with an even cadence gets the crowd cheering the team on.
  2. Let’s Go [Team Name]! Replace “Team” with your squad’s name to Pump up your specific team. “Let’s go Eagles!”
  3. We’ve Got Spirit, Yes We Do! A lively back-and-forth chant. The cheerleaders chant “We’ve got spirit” and the crowd responds “Yes we do!”
  4. Win! Win! Win! This upbeat 3-word chant encourages the team to go for the win. For variety, lead the first two “Win!” then let the crowd chant the third.
  5. Can’t Stop Us Now! A defiant chant to intimidate the opponents. The unrelenting message fires up your team.
  6. Go! Fight! Win! Each word lands on a beat, driving home the 3 keys to victory. This chant can build dramatic tension.
  7. Beat ‘Em [Opponent Name]! Calling out your rival’s name focuses the energy. “Beat ‘Em Tigers!”
  8. Defense! (Clap clap) Shout “Defense!” then clap twice to exhort your team to play hard defense. Repeat chant to keep momentum up.
  9. Hit ‘Em High, Hit ‘Em Low! A catchy chant in a sing-song cadence. Hits on the “high” and “low” words accentuate the message.
  10. [Team Name] All The Way! End your cheer on a high note. “Eagles All the Way!” Lets your team know the crowd is behind them.

Tips for Leading Successful Cheers

Mastering the art of leading cheerful chants takes some practice and skill. Here are some tips for leading great cheers that will pump up your crowd:

  • Project Your Voice: Use good breath support and articulation to project your voice loudly and clearly when leading cheers. You are setting the tempo and energy, so the crowd needs to hear you.
  • Use Expressive Body Language: Facial expressions and enthusiastic gestures help convey the meaning and emotion of cheers. Engage your whole body in leading the chant.
  • Get the Crowd Participating: Lead call-and-response chants and invite the crowd to shout out key words. Ask cheer questions like “Who are we?” to prompt the desired response.
  • Read the Crowd’s Energy: Pay attention to the crowd’s energy level. Adjust the pace and intensity of your chants to continue driving momentum.
  • Time Cheers Strategically: Coordinate cheers with events on the field or court for maximum impact. Do a defense chant as the opposing offense takes the field.
  • Stay Positive: Keep the chants uplifting, even if the team is struggling. Give encouraging chants about effort and team spirit to keep the crowd engaged.

With practice and enthusiasm, you can lead cheers that excite the crowd and spur on your team. Master these basic chants and tips for success.


Cheerleading chants are a staple at sporting events, boosting team spirit and energizing the crowd. Mastering basic chants like “Go Team Go!” and “We’ve Got Spirit” will give any cheer squad a strong foundation to work from. Lead these crowd-pleasing chants with enthusiasm and strategic timing to excite your fans. Simple yet upbeat chants that rely on repetition, rhyme, and rhythm will get everyone off their feet. By following the chant-leading tips, you can motivate your crowd to make some noise. With consistent practice, your squad will be leading lively cheers and making memorable moments. Start pumping up your crowds today with these top 10 basic cheerleading chants!