How to Contact College Cheerleading Coaches: Your Ultimate Guide to Recruitment Success

In the competitive world of college cheerleading, taking the initiative to contact coaches can set you apart from the crowd. This guide aims to provide you with a comprehensive roadmap on how to contact college cheerleading coaches effectively. By reaching out to coaches, you not only show your interest but also take a proactive step in your cheerleading career.

Why Contacting Coaches is Crucial

Contacting college cheerleading coaches is an essential part of the recruitment process. Coaches are always on the lookout for talent, but they can’t recruit you if they don’t know you exist. Early communication with coaches can give you a significant advantage, allowing you to:

  1. Showcase Your Skills: Sending your cheerleading portfolio can put you on a coach’s radar.
  2. Understand Requirements: Knowing what coaches are looking for can help you tailor your training.
  3. Build Relationships: Establishing a rapport with coaches can make you a more memorable candidate.
  4. Gain Insights: Coaches can provide valuable information about their program, team dynamics, and scholarship opportunities.

Preparing to Reach Out

Before you pick up the phone or draft an email, preparation is key. Here’s how to get ready:

  1. Research Coaches and Programs: Know the names of the coaches, their coaching style, and what they look for in a cheerleader.
  2. Gather Your Portfolio: Compile videos, photos, and any accolades or testimonials that showcase your cheerleading skills.
  3. Know the Timeline: Understand the recruitment cycle to time your outreach effectively.
  4. Draft a Template: Create a basic email template that you can customize for each coach, making sure it’s professional and to the point.

The Right Time to Contact Coaches

Timing is crucial when reaching out to college cheerleading coaches. Here are some guidelines to help you decide the best time to make contact:

  1. Early High School Years: Initial contact can start as early as your freshman or sophomore year to get on a coach’s radar.
  2. Before Major Competitions: Reach out a few weeks before significant events where you’ll be performing; this gives coaches the opportunity to see you in action.
  3. Recruitment Season: Each college has its recruitment cycle; aim to contact coaches before or during this period for maximum impact.
  4. After Achievements: If you’ve recently won an award or achieved a new skill level, it’s an excellent time to update coaches about your progress.

Methods of Contact

There are various ways to get in touch with college cheerleading coaches, each with its pros and cons:

  1. Email: The most formal and commonly used method. It allows you to attach your portfolio and gives the coach time to consider your application.
  2. Phone Call: More direct and personal but requires excellent communication skills and the ability to think on your feet.
  3. Social Media: Some coaches are active on platforms like Twitter or LinkedIn, but this should be a secondary method of contact.
  4. In-Person: If you have the opportunity to attend a college tour or cheerleading camp, you can meet coaches face-to-face.

Crafting the Perfect Email

Your initial email to a coach is your first impression, so it needs to be spot-on. Here’s how to craft an email that gets noticed:

  1. Subject Line: Make it clear and to the point, e.g., “Prospective Cheerleader Interested in [College Name] Program.”
  2. Introduction: Briefly introduce yourself and explain why you’re interested in their program.
  3. Body: Discuss your experience, skills, and why you would be a good fit for their team. Attach or link to your portfolio.
  4. Closing: Thank the coach for their time and express your eagerness to discuss further.
  5. Attachments: Include your cheerleading portfolio and any other relevant documents.

Follow-Up Strategies

After sending your initial email or making the first contact, it’s crucial to have a follow-up strategy to keep the conversation going:

  1. Timing: Wait at least a week before following up to give the coach time to review your information.
  2. Method: Use the same communication channel for consistency, unless directed otherwise.
  3. Content: Keep it brief but meaningful. Ask if they had a chance to review your portfolio and offer to provide additional information.
  4. Frequency: Don’t overdo it. If you haven’t heard back after two follow-ups, it might be time to focus on other opportunities.

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Avoid these pitfalls when contacting college cheerleading coaches:

  1. Generic Messages: Tailor each message to the specific coach and program. Generic messages are easy to spot and often ignored.
  2. Poor Timing: Contacting coaches during their busiest times, like during competitions, can result in your message being overlooked.
  3. Lack of Preparation: Always research the college and its cheerleading program before reaching out.
  4. Ignoring Follow-Up: If a coach responds, even with a “no,” always send a thank-you message.

Real-Life Success Stories

To provide some inspiration, here are a few real-life examples of cheerleaders who successfully contacted coaches and earned a spot on college teams:

  1. Emily: Used social media to get the attention of a renowned coach and later secured a full scholarship.
  2. Jake: Sent personalized video messages to multiple coaches and received three offers within a month.
  3. Sophia: Met a coach during a cheerleading camp and kept in touch through regular email updates, eventually getting recruited.


Contacting college cheerleading coaches is a nuanced process that requires careful planning, timing, and follow-up. By avoiding common mistakes and employing effective strategies, you can significantly increase your chances of getting noticed and, ultimately, recruited. Whether you’re reaching out via email, phone, or even social media, remember that persistence and professionalism are key.