How to Make Pom Poms for Cheerleading: A Comprehensive DIY Guide

Cheerleading is a dynamic sport that demands a lot of spirit, energy, and, of course, flashy accessories. One of the most iconic accessories in cheerleading is the pom pom. They are colorful, fun, and add the perfect touch of flair to any cheer routine. While buying them is an option, making your own pom poms can be a rewarding experience. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of how to make pom poms for cheerleading, ensuring they’re both beautiful and durable.

Why Make Your Own Pom Poms?

While commercially available pom poms are easy to find, creating your own has several advantages:

  • Personalization: Tailoring pom poms to your squad’s colors enhances unity and spirit. It ensures a unique look, setting your team apart during performances.
  • Cost-effective: Making your own can often be more budget-friendly, especially if you’re catering for a large team.
  • Skill-building: Crafting pom poms hones dexterity and creativity. It offers a therapeutic break from intense cheer routines, fostering a fresh passion for the art of cheerleading.

Materials Needed

To start making your pom poms, gather the following materials:

  • Tissue paper or plastic table covers: Your choice between tissue paper and plastic table covers will depend on your aesthetic preferences. Tissue paper offers a softer, more organic texture, while plastic provides a shiny, more durable finish.
  • Scissors: Scissors are essential for cutting the material into the desired shape and size. A sharp pair will ensure clean, precise cuts, which is crucial for the overall appearance of the pom-pom.
  • Wire or strong string: This is used to tie and secure the center of the pom-pom. The choice between wire and string may depend on the weight of the material you’re using. Wire offers more rigidity, while string is easier to tie.
  • Ruler or measuring tape: Accurate measurements are key to achieving a symmetrical pom-pom. A ruler or measuring tape will help you cut even strips of material, ensuring a balanced and full appearance.
  • Handles or dowels: These serve as the grip for your pom-pom. Depending on your needs, a handle offers a more ergonomic grip, while a dowel provides a simple, straight handle that’s easy to attach.

Step-by-Step Guide to Crafting Pom Poms

Step 1: Preparation

Choose the color or combination of colors you want. You can refer to the Pantone color guide for inspiration.

Step 2: Cutting the Material

Lay out the tissue paper or plastic table covers flat. Fold them accordion-style, ensuring each fold is about 1 to 2 inches wide. Once you’ve folded the entire length, use your scissors to cut the folds into strips. The length of these strips will determine the size of your pom poms.

Step 3: Tying the Center

Take your wire or strong string and tie it tightly around the center of your accordion-folded material. This will serve as the base of your pom pom.

Step 4: Shaping the Pom Pom

Using your scissors, round the edges of the folded material on both ends. This gives the pom poms their classic rounded shape. Gently separate each layer, pulling them apart and fluffing them out until your pom pom takes form.

Step 5: Attaching the Handle

If you’re using a dowel as a handle, you can either tie it with the excess wire or string from the center or use additional string to secure it firmly.

Tips for Maintaining Your Handmade Pom Poms

  1. Storage: Keep your cheerleading pom poms stored in a cool, dry environment. Their fluffy nature is integral to their vibrancy during routines. Heavy objects can crush their delicate structure, so ensure they’re placed away from weighty items. This simple step can significantly extend their usability and aesthetic appeal during performances.
  2. Cleaning: For tissue paper pom poms, avoid any contact with water. For plastic ones, a gentle wipe with a damp cloth should suffice. Always allow them to air dry completely.
  3. Regular fluffing: Over time, pom poms can lose their vibrant shape, impacting their visual appeal during cheer routines. It’s essential to keep them fluffy and full-bodied. A gentle shake or a careful hand reshaping can often rejuvenate their initial splendor, ensuring they remain the star accessory in every performance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use materials other than tissue paper or plastic covers?

Yes, while these are the most common, some people also use fabric or nylon. However, the method may slightly vary.

How long do handmade pom poms last?

Depending on the usage and care, they can last anywhere from a few months to a couple of years.

Can I wash my pom poms?

It’s best to avoid washing, especially if they’re made from tissue paper. Spot cleaning is recommended.

If you’re too lazy or don’t have time to create your own custom pom-poms, purchase the best quality online here.


In conclusion, making your own pom poms for cheerleading not only allows for customization but also brings a sense of pride in using something you crafted yourself. It’s a fun activity that can be done individually or as a team-building exercise. So the next time you want to add some spirit and flair to your cheer routine, remember that handmade pom poms might just be the way to go!

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