What is Base in Cheerleading: The Unsung Heroes of Every Stunt

In the world of cheerleading, the spotlight often falls on the high-flying stunts and intricate choreography. But what about the individuals who make these awe-inspiring feats possible? Enter the base in cheerleading—a role that serves as the foundation of every successful stunt. In this article, we’ll explore the vital role, physical requirements, and technical skills that make a base indispensable in cheerleading.

The Role of a Base in Cheerleading

The base is the backbone of any cheerleading stunt. Responsible for lifting and supporting the flyer, the base provides the stability needed for the execution of complex aerial maneuvers. Bases work in tandem with spotters and backspots to ensure the safety and success of each stunt. Their responsibilities include:

  1. Lifting the Flyer: The base employs their physical strength to lift and securely hold the flyer during stunts. This action is the cornerstone of any successful cheerleading routine, as it sets the stage for the flyer to execute complex aerial maneuvers.
  2. Balancing the Stunt: Maintaining balance and stability is another critical responsibility for the base. They use their lower body strength and core muscles to ensure that the stunt remains steady and upright, preventing any wobbles or falls that could jeopardize the performance.
  3. Coordination: Coordination is the glue that holds a cheerleading stunt together. Bases work in harmony with flyers, spotters, and backspots to execute each stunt with precision. This involves clear communication and timing, ensuring that each team member knows their role and executes it flawlessly.

Physical Requirements for Bases

Being a base in cheerleading is physically demanding and requires a specific set of attributes to excel in this role:

  1. Strength: Upper body strength is a non-negotiable requirement for bases in cheerleading. The ability to lift and support the flyer throughout various stunts is pivotal for the success of the routine. Strong arms, shoulders, and core muscles contribute to the base’s effectiveness in this role.
  2. Flexibility: Though not as emphasized as strength, flexibility plays a significant role in a base’s performance. It aids in achieving the correct hand and arm positions required for different stunts, making the execution smoother and reducing the risk of injury.
  3. Endurance: Endurance is another key attribute for bases. The role demands sustained energy levels throughout the routine, as bases are engaged in constant lifting, holding, and balancing of flyers. Good endurance ensures that the base can perform at their best from start to finish, contributing to a successful and dynamic routine.

Technical Skills Needed

Mastering the role of a base in cheerleading isn’t just about physical strength; it also requires a set of technical skills that ensure the safety and success of each stunt. Here are some key technical skills:

  1. Hand and Arm Positioning: The importance of proper hand and arm positioning cannot be overstated for a base in cheerleading. Techniques such as cupping the hands and keeping the arms locked are essential for securely holding the flyer. These practices not only ensure the safety of the stunt but also contribute to its aesthetic appeal.
  2. Timing and Coordination: Being in sync with the flyer and other bases is a critical aspect of stunt execution. Timing and coordination are key, dictating when to lift, twist, or dismount during a routine. A well-coordinated base can make the difference between a successful stunt and a failed one.
  3. Footwork: Footwork is the foundation upon which all cheerleading stunts are built. A base must position their feet shoulder-width apart and maintain a solid stance to provide the necessary stability. Good footwork allows the base to support complex stunts effectively, ensuring both safety and success in the performance.

Common Stunts Performed by Bases

Bases are involved in a variety of stunts that showcase their strength and skill. Here are some common stunts that you’ll often see bases performing:

  1. Extensions: In the extension stunt, the base utilizes their full arm strength to lift the flyer high above their head. This stunt is a fundamental element in cheerleading, showcasing the base’s strength and the team’s coordination. It serves as a building block for more complex stunts and is often a crowd-pleaser.
  2. Liberties: In the liberty stunt, the flyer balances on one leg while the base securely holds the foot of the lifted leg. This stunt demands immense balance, coordination, and trust between the flyer and the base. Liberties are often incorporated into routines to add a level of difficulty and visual appeal.
  3. Basket Tosses: Basket tosses are among the more dynamic and visually striking stunts in cheerleading. The base, often with the help of other teammates, tosses the flyer into the air. The flyer then executes a series of twists or flips before being safely caught. This stunt requires precise timing, strength, and coordination from the base.

Challenges Faced by Bases

Being a base in cheerleading is rewarding, but it comes with its own set of challenges that require resilience and adaptability:

  1. Physical Strain: Being a base in cheerleading requires immense physical strength, often leading to muscle fatigue and strain if proper care isn’t taken. It’s crucial for bases to engage in regular strength training and recovery practices to manage the physical demands of the role effectively.
  2. Mental Focus: Maintaining intense mental focus is imperative for bases, especially during complex stunts. A momentary lapse in concentration can jeopardize the safety of the flyer and the success of the entire routine. Therefore, mental preparedness is as important as physical strength in this role.
  3. Pressure to Perform: The performance of a base has a direct impact on the team’s overall score in competitions. This adds an extra layer of pressure to execute each stunt flawlessly. Bases must learn to manage this pressure effectively to ensure both their well-being and the team’s success.

Tips for Aspiring Bases

If you’re looking to become a base in cheerleading, these tips can set you on the path to success:

  1. Strength Training: Incorporate weightlifting and resistance training into your routine to build the necessary muscle strength.
  2. Flexibility Exercises: Work on your flexibility through stretching and yoga to improve your range of motion for stunts.
  3. Teamwork Skills: Practice communication and coordination with your teammates, as these are crucial skills for any successful base.

The Importance of Teamwork

In cheerleading, teamwork isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a necessity, especially for bases. The success of any stunt hinges on seamless coordination among team members. Here’s why teamwork is so crucial:

  1. Coordination with Flyers: A strong rapport with the flyer ensures that lifts and dismounts are executed smoothly, reducing the risk of accidents.
  2. Communication During Performances: Quick and clear communication is essential for making on-the-spot adjustments during a routine.
  3. Trust Among Team Members: Trust is the cornerstone of any successful cheerleading team. Bases must trust their spotters and backspots, and vice versa, for stunts to be executed safely and effectively.


The role of a base in cheerleading is multifaceted, demanding not just physical strength but also a range of technical skills and a strong sense of teamwork. From lifting flyers into the air to executing complex stunts, bases are the unsung heroes who make the spectacle of cheerleading possible. Whether you’re an aspiring base or simply a fan of the sport, understanding the intricacies of this role offers a deeper appreciation for the skill and dedication it requires.